Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
max planck institut
mpii logo Minerva of the Max Planck Society

Workflow 2


Installing DomainGraph

Installing the DomainGraph database (WITH internet connection)

Installing the DomainGraph database (on a machine WITHOUT internet connection)

Importing a protein interaction network into DomainGraph

This step requires a protein interaction network, given with Ensembl or UniProt ids. You can download a toy protein interaction network containing human proteins via right-click here. Save the file to your disk.

Integrating Affymetrix Exon Array data for Single Experiments

This step requires two preprocessed files, an expression data file and a p-value file, created with APT or Expression Console (see Preparing Affymetrix Exon Array data for further information). You can download a sample expression data file via right-click here. You can download the corresponding p-value file via right-click here. These sample files describe the expression in testis tissue. Save the files to your disk.

Viewing proteins, domains, exons, probesets, and miRNA binding sites as graphics