Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
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Domain Graph Documentation


Analysis of Differential Exon Expression via AltAnalyze

This option is intended for users who are not focused on a particular network but who would like to get a general overview of what is going on in the data. Therefore, the statistical results (containing the differentially expressed microarray probesets) computed via AltAnalyze can be loaded into DomainGraph. AltAnalyze statistically compares two groups of samples via the splicing index method to identify probesets that are differentially expressed in the two samples. These probeset data are automatically enrichted with gene and pathway information as well as microRNA binding sites and exon information on known alternative splicing events. The results are provided in a table view. Click here for an example. The table provides an overview of all probesets that are differentially expressed in the two groups of samples. The gene, Reactome, and Wikipathway columns are clickable. Clicking on a gene, a network view is loaded containing the gene, all encoded protein isoforms and their domain compositions. The nodes are highlighted according to differentially expressed probesets. Additionally, the graphical representation of the proteins, domains, exons, probesets, and microRNA binding sites is displayed. Click here for an example. Clicking on the Reactome or Wikipathway column, the pathway, in which the gene is involved, is loaded. Furthermore, all genes/proteins are highlighted that contain differentially expressed probesets. Click here for an example. The pathway view is intended to provide an overview of the participating genes and proteins that might be affected by alternative splicing. For a more detailed analysis, the pathway can be loaded into DomainGraph (via the 'Analyzing a particular network of interest' option) and e.g. graphics/probeset annotations/microRNA annotations for all genes/proteins can be seen.